
Dhoni to be captain

Senior BCCI Sources tell TIMES NOW that Dhoni is the Selectors’ pick to lead India’s Test team with the crucial announcement expected today (November 8).

TIMES NOW has learnt from senior BCCI sources that the Board had apparently advised the Chairman of Selectors Dilip Vengsarkar to pick “Young Blood” – this comes ahead of the crucial announcement expected later today.

Meanwhile reacting to this report by TIMES NOW, Chairman of Selectors Dilip Vengsarkar has said that the Board has not met yet and that he could not give a confirmation on the issue.
Dhoni making the team happy: Sachin

TIMES NOW has been telling viewers that since Tendulkar refused Test captaincy there has been an apparent leaning towards youth, despite Shashtri’s respected opinion that Dhoni was not ready.

Sports Editor Faisal Sharif said today,”Top BCCI officials believe they have to start somewhere, and they should give Dhoni enough to groom himself as captain. Whether he comes through as captain will  decide if he stays captain. But Sachin reportedly told BCCI that Dhoni as the in-charge was making the dressing room a happier place and that it mattered that the team was enjoying themselves.”

Sharif added that some selectors had also expressed their opinion that Kumble would be another leading candidate and would be more suitable to take on the three back-to-back tours coming up for India – but this was vetoed by another group wo said Kumble’s position in the Test side even was still under question.

“There will some long hours of debating expected today,” added Sharif.

Did the BCCI have any other option?

Former coach and selector Anshuman Gaekwad reiterated that there was “no shortcut to experience”.

“I think this would be putting plenty of pressure, I am scared the pressure altogether might break him and we don’t want to do that. Ideally if they had put him (Dhoni) as understudy, it would have been much better for him. There could always be an exception, but usually there always a chance that a person will not be able to take it – playing teams like Australia in Australia,” said Gaekwad.

He added, “There are more chances of Dhoni getting into trouble than being successful. But had they had a choice I am sure the BCCI would have looked for someone with more experience with surety – but Sachin refused the job. Sourav could have been a stop gap. However BCCI would also be looking at the long term.”

Dhoni captain of the future: Boria

Cricket historian Boria Mazumdar said Dhoni should not be faulted if India lose in Australia.

“I think BCCI had no choice. I would personally have loved Kumble, since he has won India more matches than anyone else even Sachin and  Dravid. But he being 37 years old, will play not more than 2-3 more years. However to be fair to Dhoni, it is a great decision to pick him since he is the future captain and he should be given the long run to build his team.”

Boria said there would be tough conditions at Perth with a bouncy pitch and Australia would unleash their fast bowlers. “But even if Dhoni fails that should not go against him. he is not technically sound like Dravid, but does not deter him as a good captaon. We should not give up on him by being outraged afterwards and turning back to the seniors as that would be a step backwards. Dhoni has the mettle, the courage and the guts. Besides he will relieve the pressure from Tendulkar and Kumble who will be the lynchpin,” he added.

Former Indian cricketer Kirmani concurred that Dhoni was the better choice given seniors had declined. “I supposed he would be the right choice if seniors Kumble and Ganguly have declined or not been considered. Dhoni has done a great job in T20, a good job against the Aussies in the home series, to continue with him in the Test also is a good choice,” said Kirmani.

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